Kyle’s Formation Substack
Spiritual Formation: An Invitation to Drawing Near
Addressing False Spirituality

Addressing False Spirituality

Insights from Colossians 2

In this conversation, Kyle focuses on Colossians 2 and 3, where Paul addresses false spirituality and calls believers to set their minds on Christ. Key here is understanding what Paul is warning us against in Colossians 2 when he is narrating the ground and goal of false spirituality. One of the reasons this matters so much today is when Paul claims that this false spirituality “has an appearance of wisdom.” It is this false spirituality that captivates so many today. In response to this false spirituality focused on contemplation and rigorous asceticism, Paul interesting emphasizes true contemplation and drawing near to God in Christ.

00:00 Understanding the Difference: Spiritual Formation vs. Spiritual Theology

03:45 Addressing False Spirituality: Insights from Colossians 2

25:57 Drawing Near to God: A Key Element in Spiritual Formation

Kyle’s Formation Substack
Spiritual Formation: An Invitation to Drawing Near
A conversation about spiritual formation, faith, and life in Christ by the Spirit.